Real Property Management Insight

Does Smart Home Technology Improve Property Profitability?

Adding smart home technology will certainly appeal to a good amount of tenants. The ultimate question is do the benefits of adding these gadgets outweigh the costs?

Here are some of the advantages that should be considered:


There are several smart home gadgets that are specifically made for security purposes. These are gadgets such as security cameras, or alarms. These in some peoples home are a necessity, so not everyone will agree that these are a specific smart home technology devices. Ultimately, this is left up to the homeowner on if this is needed in a home.


This is the most popular reason that consumers purchase smart home technology. Everyone thinks that it will make their lives easier. In most ways it will, and that is why most people end up purchasing. The only issue that may cause an incipience would be charging or replacing batteries in the gadget over time. 


This will make your property’s image more appealing to the majority of tenants. Most tenants want a property that looks appealing that they can show off to their friends. This will also boost the price of the property making more income for the property owner. Which will make the property more prestigious. 

Energy savings-

Smart home technology can in the long run help you save money. It can save you money due to the fact that most of these gadgets have power/energy saving tools built into them and monitor usage, cutting off when not needed. This is one of the main reasons for buying this technology. This helps to take some weight off of you. 

Wifi Dependency-

This can create a huge issue in your home. Depending on your Wifi source, how well your coverage is, and your internet plan. If you have not so great coverage then you should not go and replace all of your home’s amenities with smart tech. This could cause a crash in your wifi or use up most of your allowed usage. Look into all of these before establishing a smart home. 

Privacy Concerns-

Privacy is always one of the top concerns that a homeowner has. Your home is your safe space, no intruders are wanted. When items start getting hooked up to the internet people become worrisome. They automatically assume that the gadget can and will be hacked. This is partly true, most smart gadgets are capable of hacking. You can prevent this by having a passcode that isn’t easily guessed. You can also put your gadgets in rooms that aren’t used for as much privacy.